Interface IComparer<T>

The type of an item comparer Implementations of this interface must asure that the method is self-consistent and defines a sorting order on items, or state precise conditions under which this is true.Implementations must assure that repeated calls of the method to the same (in reference or binary identity sense) arguments will return values with the same sign (-1, 0 or +1), or state precise conditions under which the user can be assured repeated calls will return the same sign.Implementations of this interface must always return values from the method and never throw exceptions.This interface is identical to System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>

Implemented by

DelegateComparer<T>, KeyValuePairComparer<K,V>, NaturalComparer<T>, NaturalComparerO<T>

Method overview

Compare(T item1, T item2)

Method details

AintCompare(T item1, T item2) Compare two items with respect to this item comparer
Returns:Positive if item1 is greater than item2, 0 if they are equal, negative if item1 is less than item2
item1:First item
item2:Second item